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Wednesday, May 16, 2007

When lullabies turn bad

Keira has an unusual technique when it comes to singing nursery rhymes to Riley.

This involves getting right into his face, I mean centimetres away, and shouting at the top of her lungs: "Baa Baa Black Sheep....etc.etc".

Depending on his mood, Riley will react in one of two ways:

1) If he's feeling 'punchy', he'll bat Keira away with his hands in a "piss off, why doncha?" way.

2) If he's feeling 'vulnerable', his face will usually drop, the lip will quiver, and he'll look to me for help.

I don't blame him either. When Keira gets loud she can be quite frightening.

For an adult equivalent, I can only think of this:

"Hello, Clarice. Would you like me to sing you a song about lambs? I know how much you love those woolly, playful....lambies."

Oh, yeah. Scary stuff.

Comments on "When lullabies turn bad"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:47 am) : 

LOVE that movie!! Happy WW!


Blogger Alison said ... (7:51 am) : 



Blogger Shaz said ... (8:00 am) : 

Excellent post but poor Riley x x


Blogger jams o donnell said ... (8:05 am) : 



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:09 am) : 

:-O [runs to hide]


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:59 am) : 

ah, yes- what a sense of deja vu I am having...I can completely understand Riley's sense of fear...


Blogger Miscellaneous-Mum said ... (9:09 am) : 

You tryin' to say something, eh, shelly????


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:40 am) : 

One of my fave films!


Blogger Sandee said ... (9:54 am) : 

Yikes. I remember this movie. It scared me half to death. Happy WW. ♥


Blogger Cinnamon Girl said ... (10:17 am) : 

He was so good in that role!


Blogger Katya said ... (12:58 pm) : 

Yikes! Quite the visual!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:21 pm) : 

Yikes! Scary!


Blogger Holly Schwendiman said ... (1:41 pm) : 




Blogger The Minute Man: Colin Chang said ... (3:29 pm) : 

Eeek! Creepy!


Blogger meh said ... (4:13 pm) : 



Blogger Denise Patrick said ... (1:46 am) : 

I would NOT like to have someone get in my face like that, even if they were trying to be nice!

Happy WW!


Blogger Melanie said ... (3:32 am) : 

That would be pretty scary!


Blogger Jean-Luc Picard said ... (5:32 am) : 

Dr Lector is always scary!


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