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Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mothers Day

It's 7.30am. Already I've:

Had Keira say to me (completely unprompted) "Happy Mothers Day!"

Seen Adam somehow mobilise himself out of bed (before the far more reasonable- and usual - time of 9am) with Riley and together they put a nice card into my hands.

Been promised to get some "alone" time today while he takes the kids off somewhere (although I will no doubt use this time to get through some work.....workaholic that I am).

Presents? Pajamas. And he's promised to buy this book once it comes back into stock.

How was your day, mums? Even non-mums, how was your day?

Comments on "Happy Mothers Day"


Blogger Jean-Luc Picard said ... (9:29 pm) : 

Today is Mothers Day in a lot of countries, but not here in England.

Hope all mothers have a super day.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:53 am) : 

I sent my mum flowers at her work on Friday as I wasn't able to be there.


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