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Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Reasons why I need a children's television programming intervention

Welcome to any new readers via Problogger!

Well, there are a myriad of reasons, but the Top Five are:

  1. When the Evilness that is Elmo is starting to win my loyalty over from my fuzzy-nihilist friend, Oscar the Grouch. There's something about that red puppet's falsetto that's almost...beguiling. As 'beguiling' as a dentist's drill in the ear, maybe.
  2. I think that dancing along with the synchronised-group actions (think Hi-5) counts as my exercise of the day.
  3. I can confidently place the year Play School was made simply by looking at Justine's hair colour and her pregnant (or not) shape.
  4. It seems other people need interventions too: it's scandalous how many people turn up here via Google, searching for Kellie and Nathan gossip. Get over it people. I have!
  5. And the very top reason: when one (me!) becomes completely outraged when she discovers the melody from the "Time Warp" (Rocky Horror) has been changed to the "Monster Stomp" on Play School. Sure, its a great melody but c'mon the lines got to be drawn somewhere! Soon we'll be seeing Little Ted swanning around in fishnets!

Someone, please check me into rehab. Give me a shot of CSI or Lost or Heroes - STAT!

Written for this.

Comments on "Reasons why I need a children's television programming intervention"


Blogger Carina said ... (11:11 pm) : 

Oh yes, Elmo. AAaaaahhhhh!

The only thing more annoying is Dora the Explorer who emphasizes almost every other word!


Blogger Maddy said ... (7:06 am) : 

Kellie and Nathan? Am I on the wrong continent or the wrong planet?


Blogger Miscellaneous-Mum said ... (7:12 am) : 

Hmm...perhaps this quite an Australian centric list, Mcewan!


Blogger Bryce said ... (7:29 pm) : 

Time Warp" (Rocky Horror) has been changed to the "Monster Stomp

I don't know why, but I was watching that episode (and I'm a teenager) and saw the song and was like OMG how could they do that to this song :)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:27 pm) : 

Step away from the television and take your kids with you!

Funny list, thank you for sharing :)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:02 am) : 

My boys are a bit older so I let them loose on the History or Discovery channels when I let them watch at all.

Check out my post to see what's in store for you in the future...
and good luck!!


Blogger donna said ... (1:15 pm) : 

I'm in the U.S. and I'm lucky, for some reason my daughter absolutely dislikes Elmo and Sesame Street. We also have Hi-5 but not heard of the others. Unfortunately I think I know all of the words to all of the Wiggles songs....Love your post!


Blogger nellbe said ... (3:04 pm) : 

I have some sad news, I actually heard a rumour that Kellie and Nathan had broken up recently... Although I have seen an episode where they say a song with "love" in it and they all do love heart drawings in the air while dancing and the end of the song Kellie and Nathan do one together.... awwww.


Blogger Miscellaneous-Mum said ... (12:51 pm) : 

nellbe - I've heard that rumour too...but as yet not heard confirmation. Hmmm...I'm on tenterhooks!


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