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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Graduation Time

*Twirling around in her metaphoric new sundress*

Look at my new threads! I'd like to thank Goofy Girl for designing my new site. In some respects, I feel like I'm graduating from primary school - where I was King, in my own little sense - to big, scary High School. I've set myself up to look good; I better be even better! (If that makes sense). A little extra self-imposed pressure might be good for me.

What do you all think of Miscellaneous Mum's new look?


Comments on "Graduation Time"


Blogger Tracey said ... (2:49 pm) : 

Hey looks REAL good! Good banner width ;- And all the rest is way beyond what we could do graphically - except that Cait and I still reckon our font looked like it was written on the fence. (We need to feel good at something :p)

Hey, you should choose the silver blogger bar for the top of the page, and then you'd really all match!!

Your own domain name and all too!

A toast!


Blogger Miscellaneous-Mum said ... (9:01 pm) : 

Cheers!*chinks glass*


Blogger jeanie said ... (8:03 am) : 

It does look great - clean. I am still in the dark ages of monitor size, so the good news is that I can still read without scrolling across - hallelujah!


Blogger Tracey said ... (9:10 am) : 

Lucky she had someone badger her about the screen width!! ;-)


Blogger Miscellaneous-Mum said ... (12:11 pm) : 

Indeed, yes, you have Tracey to thank for the sizing. I keep forgetting I'm spoiled here with a monitor the size of Tasmania and so my sense of space is a bit skewed.


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