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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Keira's photographic talent

Keira is getting....well....competant at taking a photo. At least she gets her object on the viewfinder now!!

Here is Riley and me yesterday, thanks to her.

Comments on "Keira's photographic talent"


Blogger Miscellaneous-Mum said ... (8:18 am) : 

When I say 'object' I obviously meant 'subject'


Blogger Unknown said ... (12:32 pm) : 

Clever girl. Karen do you know about he Meet Me in Melbourne blogger meet up in Flagstaff Gardens on Sunday?


Blogger Patois42 said ... (1:11 pm) : 

Goodness, she's got my 10-year-old son and 8-year-old daughter beat! I see a career in photography for her!


Blogger Pearls of Wisdom said ... (1:21 pm) : 

Great picture. Thanks for sharing and Happy WW.

Angel Mama ():)


Blogger JHS said ... (3:07 pm) : 

Hey, if you ever need a babysitter, you can drop that little cutie-pie off here for a couple of hours. I just want to reach out and pinch those little cheeks and kiss that little nose. I miss being able to do that . . . my boys shave & run from me if I try to pat their cheeks. They're both way taller than I am and run faster. (sigh)

My photo is posted, so hope you'll drop by!


Blogger jams o donnell said ... (5:16 pm) : 

Keira's done very well and produced a nice shot. Happy WW!


Blogger MammaMayMiller said ... (7:21 pm) : 

What a clever girl! She did a good job, this is a lovely pic!!


Blogger Jean-Luc Picard said ... (4:12 am) : 

Super shot, Keira. Well done.


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