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Wednesday, August 08, 2007

WW - Irony

This photo was in no way staged. I wish it were so....

P.S - Many of you know I'm on holidays, and only have limited access to the internet. If you are a WW participant and leave a comment and I don't return to you, please forgive me. The same goes for my regular commenters too!

Comments on "WW - Irony"


Blogger Suprina said ... (6:53 am) : 

Now, that looks like the area of my kids playroom by the bookself.

Happy WW!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:55 am) : 

that looks like my kids closet--wait, is that my kids closet? Happy WW.


Blogger jams o donnell said ... (7:00 am) : 

I can relate to that scene! Happy WW


Blogger SandyCarlson said ... (7:07 am) : 

That's hysterical. Around here, I clean with a snow shovel...And the vacuum. My mother says you don't have to worry about putting away whatever goes up the vacuum. She's a source of wisdom always. I love this picture. Feel so less alone!


Blogger An Ordinary Mom said ... (9:26 am) : 



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:47 am) : 

What are you moaning about now! I can still see carpet!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:58 am) : 

That is a classic!
Too funny:) Happy WW!


Blogger ICJ said ... (4:20 pm) : 

OOOH! What a mess! It looks so much like my house at the end of the day... LOL
Happy WW! :-)

Isabelle aka Tricotine


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:28 pm) : 

Irony indeed! Looking forward to this with kids on the way. Of course, to be fair, sometimes things look like that around me even now!


Blogger Quiskaeya said ... (11:46 pm) : 

If I didn't know any better I'd have sworn ya snuck that pix outta my son's room! lol Happy WW!


Blogger Diana said ... (11:58 pm) : 

Great shot!! Love it!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:20 am) : 

Our kids have pulled that stunt many times. Too funny with the clutter book. :)


Blogger Shana said ... (12:21 am) : 

That is funny. Love it. Happy WW!!!


Blogger Unknown said ... (1:22 am) : 

I simply LOVED it! Placing that 'Clutter' book in the center truly glued it together.



Blogger Jean-Luc Picard said ... (4:57 am) : 

It probably looks like a lot of closets.


Blogger pussreboots said ... (5:43 am) : 

Looks like my floor on an average night. Eek.


Blogger i am the diva said ... (5:31 am) : 

what a perfect photo op!


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