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Monday, February 26, 2007

Housekeeping Issues

The entries in my "Dear Me" Project (see sidebar) have kind of...exploded! I've added eight alone over the past two days. Let me tell you, they're good. They're great. Keep them coming, tell me more, I love them.

Go have a read!

Updated: Praise be for the magnificence of Scribbit's ability to make blogging-coding jargon accesible to us non-IT literates. As you may see, I've already started tinkering and will continue so over the next few days.

Comments on "Housekeeping Issues"


Blogger Scribbit said ... (3:30 am) : 

Glad it's helped, I'm not exactly an expert but I get a lot of help from my husband.


Blogger strauss said ... (5:28 pm) : 

Yes I ahve seen that you have had a "Dear Me" explosion. I was wondering if you had mentioned it anywhere different. It is great anyway.


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