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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Who'd think this is the little fella giving me grief at night?

God Love Him ;) :)


Comments on "Who'd think this is the little fella giving me grief at night?"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:59 am) : 

The sleep of an angel.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:25 am) : 

looks to be an angel to me too


Blogger Lisa said ... (8:25 am) : 

Oh I can't believe he could cause you any grief!! Isn't sleep time wonderful. Happy WW


Blogger Joy said ... (8:34 am) : 

love how he's got his hands on his lymphnodes (I've been living with a nursing student way too long)


Blogger Kimberly Vanderhorst said ... (8:40 am) : 

Now make a copy of that picture and post it right next to your bed for those nights when you really...really...really need it. =)


Blogger Nothing said ... (10:07 am) : 

sooooo sweet!

lovely pic!

happy ww!


Blogger Scribbit said ... (12:16 pm) : 

Those are some serious cheeks. Love the way he holds them!


Blogger Mama Duck said ... (12:25 pm) : 

Awww, and such sweet chubby cheeks too! They are so sweet if they ever do sleep ;).


Blogger FRIDAY'S CHILD said ... (12:28 pm) : 

Sleeping just like a sweet little angel. So peaceful looking.
Mine is up too.


Blogger Crazy Working Mom said ... (1:03 pm) : 

It's so hard not to love 'em when they look so cute and sweet!

He's adorable!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:29 pm) : 

Precious one!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:09 pm) : 

Who him? That little angel - you must be mistaken.
Wait I had one those little angels too - you're not!
Thanks for sharing
Happy WW


Blogger Crissybug said ... (2:20 pm) : 

I love to watch my children when they are sleeping. So sweet!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:20 pm) : 

i think it's the hands cradling the face that really makes it look extra cute...


Blogger Celeste said ... (3:16 pm) : 

Such a n angel could never never cause grief! Great WW


Blogger Linda said ... (3:48 pm) : 

If you think he causes you grief at night now wait until he's a teenager and you're sitting up half the night waiting for him to come home!


Blogger Miscellaneous-Mum said ... (3:50 pm) : 

Don't Linda........just don't go there.... :) ;)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:13 pm) : 

Awwww... The calm before the storm.. :)

Great photo. Mine is now up too.

Have a great day.



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:24 pm) : 

Awww, how adorable. Is he dreaming of someone squeezing his cheeks? Either that, or sleeping is really tough work these days. ;)


Blogger Raggedy said ... (4:30 pm) : 

Awwww he is beautiful!
Great picture!
Happy WW!


Blogger Di said ... (4:34 pm) : 

Wait until he's 13.

Love, jaded mom of teen!


Blogger Unknown said ... (4:47 pm) : 

It's hard to believe these precious sleeping babes can be tornados during the day! I feel the same way about mine. I love to watch them sleep in peaceful dreams.
He does have some very sweet looking cheeks!


Blogger Wendy Ann Edwina D'Cunha e Pereira said ... (7:29 pm) : 

so calm and peaceful.... I bet he's not so... when he's wide awake... I sleep like that even now (i meanwith my palm under my cheek)....


Blogger TorAa said ... (8:36 pm) : 

Too smart to be caught in action. Look up for him. He might not be as wordless as he pretends:))


Blogger meh said ... (9:57 pm) : 

Oh my, he's sooo cute. Don't you just wanna eat him up??


Blogger Viamarie said ... (11:25 pm) : 

What a darling. I just love his expression.

Happy Wednesday!


Blogger Jan said ... (12:25 am) : 

They always look their sweetest when they are asleep - but they are the most fun when they are awake.

What a cutie!


Blogger BlondeBrony said ... (3:41 am) : 

Very very cute.
Happy WW!


Blogger Crystal said ... (4:50 am) : 

what a cutie


Blogger la bellina mammina said ... (5:37 pm) : 

my god - he's sooooooooo cute!!


Blogger Lisa said ... (3:32 am) : 

Amazing how that works, isn't it? Makes you forgive so much.


Blogger kuanyin333 said ... (4:59 am) : 

Ahhhh...so cute! Check out my baby photo on Who's Yo Mama yesterday. I'm a day late logging into WW because I've been celebrating my daughter's birthday. You never responded if you got my christmas card btw...


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