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Thursday, February 15, 2007

Movie character (and stars) names I considered for my children

  • Aurora (Disney's Sleeping Beauty)
    This name is a tie - along with the name I gave my daughter - as the original name I wanted to bestow my offspring, when I daydreamed about it as a child. It means "Dawn" which I thought lovely; and Sleeping Beauty was possibly my favourite fairy tale.
  • Leia (from the Star Wars trilogy)
    I just think it's a lovely name and you know I've never met anyone with it. Perhaps it became too popularist-culture.
  • Grace (Kelly)
    The orginal class act. The sight of her in that immense gold dress in To Catch a Thief took my breath away.
  • Vivian (Leigh)
    Great actress. The name was a front-runner until Pretty Woman, where Julia Robert's character's name was Vivian. "No way I'm naming my baby after a prostitute" I think Adam said.
  • Scarlett (Gone With the Wind)
    The original red-hot fire cracker. I used to fantasise I was her, complete with all the costumes. Most people love that green and white fluffy number she wore to the picnic. Not me: give me that red velvet number towards the end, thanks!
  • Melanie (Gone With the Wind)
    Not the most exciting woman on earth, but I thought that if my daughter tuend out half as sweet and kind as her, I'd be set. (Without the tragic ending, naturally)
  • Sebastian (from The Greatest Show on Earth)
    My first male look in (this list is hopelessly feminine). Cornel Wilde played the dashing, sexy trapeeze artist and I thought that would make a cool name for a guy. Adam heartily disagreed.
  • Ava (Gardner)
    I love her performance as Julie in Showboat. She kisses the lovers farewell at the end, and I just want to cry (and I do!) Ava is such a lovely name; except when Adam says, "It sounds like Ovum". Charming.
  • Alexander ("Xander" from Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
    A real contender, I just like the condensed "Xander" part. As you can tell, w're real fans of the show (I'm extending the list to TV now)....hence the appearance of...
  • Riley ("Riley" from Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
    ..Well, I had to explain. Adam SWEARS he didn't get the name from this show, but I think he did, and as that's the only name he stood by as wanting in two pregnancies, he got his way. He liked it that much.
  • Charlotte (from Charlotte's Web)
    I think most women I know either wanted this name for their girls at some stage in their lives, or do have this name. I like it more for the Charlotte Bronte connection.
  • Rose-Marie (from the 1930's movie Rose Marie)
    Old fashioned, yes. One of these names is Keira's middle name (but I'm not saying which. You need a little mystery).
  • "Curly" (from Oklahoma)
    A great nickname. Have you seen Hugh Jackman's performance as Curly? FAN-bloody-TASTIC.

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  • Comments on "Movie character (and stars) names I considered for my children"


    Blogger strauss said ... (8:17 am) : 

    Yep, I was a Charlotte fan. My first born would have ben called that if he had been a girl.
    But interestingly, I didn't chose it when my daughter did arrive.


    Blogger Tracey said ... (8:53 am) : 

    Seems as soon as someone says "Most women".. I fall outside that category. I have to say that Charlotte never crossed my mind as a name - even though it is quite a pretty name. Maybe I knew deep down that my OH wouldn't like it.

    I think it's funny hearing the 'if you were a ... you were going to be...'s. Supposedly I would have been a Stephen if I'd been a boy. Suppose that means I could have ended up a Stephanie...


    Blogger BlueBugg said ... (2:23 pm) : 

    I love Charlotte also :) Leia is pretty too :)

    Funnily enough "Sebastian" was my choice of name whilst pregnant with my first born....Mitch HATED it but loved the name "Alexander" :)
    Alex was called "Xander-bubby" until friend of ours had a little boy and named him Xander (i.e not Alexander, but Xander)...we thought it would be too confusing so Alex is now either Alex or Alexander (may change if he chooses to as he gets older I'm sure).


    Blogger Di said ... (2:41 pm) : 

    My daughter is Haley...as in Hayley Mills of The Parent Trap fame or Haley (now Kelly Ripa) of All My Children Fame.

    I thought that the trend of naming girls "Tara" was a little pretentious!

    Now there is no one younger than me named Diane...so if you really want to be different these days, name your daughter Susan, Debbie or Donna! The ubiquitous names of my generation!


    Blogger -atomik kitten said ... (2:56 pm) : 

    I like Grace and Charlotte! Thanks for stopping by!!


    Blogger Mia said ... (3:30 pm) : 

    Great list. Believe it or not, my daughter Lindsey is named after Lindsey Wagner...the bionic woman. It was the first time I heard that name and loved it.


    Blogger WendyWings said ... (3:59 pm) : 

    My youngest has Grace as a middle name. I actually like most the names on your list which is suprising lol.
    Happy Thursday from a Kiwi.


    Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:16 pm) : 

    Welcome to TT. I'm on week 2 - so I'm still considered a newbie :)
    Love the names you were considering:
    •Alexander (Xander)
    •Ava (loved the movie The Barefoot Contessa)
    We ended up naming our little chicken after both grandmothers (seeing as we're only going to have one) - made deciding a name quite simple. Happy TT from a Canuck!


    Blogger Raggedy said ... (5:54 pm) : 

    Welcome to Thursday Thirteen!
    I am glad you joined us.
    Terrific Thursday Thirteen!
    My TT is posted.
    Have a wonderful day!
    Happy TT'ing!
    (")_ (")Š


    Blogger Robyn Mills said ... (9:18 pm) : 

    G'day, Bloody great first TT.


    Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:07 am) : 

    Great List! Love the tie ins to the movies.


    Blogger Jill said ... (1:16 am) : 

    I really like the Fench version of Aurora, Aurore, and I like Riley for a girl!!
    Here some of the name I would pick, coming from the movie/actor/book...


    Blogger Qtpies7 said ... (2:21 am) : 

    Funny! I seriously almost did my TT on names I wanted for my kids! My dd is named Trinity, and my dh swears he didn't get it from the Matrix, which he was glad I didn't figure out until after she was named. I always wanted Arielle, but haven't done it. I do put a lot of stock in the meanings of names, though. Our last child is Samuel Isaac, and Isaac means laughter, and he is the happiest baby ever! I decided any boys from here on out will be named that, lol.
    My tt is on things I want my kids to understand. http://qtpies7.blogspot.com/2007/02/thursday-thirteen-6.html


    Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:20 am) : 

    We debated Xander as well! We went with Landon. (which can be shortened to Lando, but I haven't mentioned that one out loud)


    Blogger Uisce said ... (3:30 am) : 

    I've used one of those names for one of my children. great list, I like your taste! happy TT, mine's up!


    Blogger Lara said ... (8:31 am) : 

    excellent TT! i like most of these names, and most of the people/characters from which they came, too. my only problems were with sebastian (i think of the singing crab from "the little mermaid") and curly (i think of the three stooges).

    hope you get a chance to come visit my place. :)


    Blogger Miscellaneous-Mum said ... (6:02 pm) : 

    Hey thanks everybody for your comments. It's certainly an interesting subject!

    Thanks for making my first TT a memorable one


    Blogger Mercy's Maid said ... (6:35 am) : 

    Congrats on your first TT! Last week was my first.


    Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:39 pm) : 

    LOL I actually named my son one of these names: Sebastian (he's 8)

    Love a lot of these names... I have been accused of naming my kids after movies LOL!!

    Happy T13!!


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