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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

My children are stepping all over me. Literally

Yep, this is as uncomfortable as it looks.


Comments on "My children are stepping all over me. Literally"


Blogger Celfyddydau said ... (7:38 am) : 

My baby great nephew is going through that stage. My poor neice feels like a climbing frame. Great photo. I love your header banner.


Blogger Holly Schwendiman said ... (7:48 am) : 

Oh the things we endure for our kids! LOL

Holly's Corner


Blogger Scribbit said ... (8:00 am) : 

And they seem totally unconcerned with your comfort. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:46 am) : 

yeah... it never stops. wait until they get older. and heavier.


Blogger FRIDAY'S CHILD said ... (9:25 am) : 

It's okay for now as they are still cute and cuddly. Hope not when they grow old.
My WW#46 is up too.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:40 am) : 

*lol* thats probably not going to change for many years to come unless you train them well


Blogger Unknown said ... (10:28 am) : 

What a great looking site and a fun read. Love the kiddy pics, especially the chubs on those legs. :-)


Blogger Hootin Anni said ... (10:56 am) : 

LOL....I truly think you're right. Golly --this photo makes me feel ancient. I have GRANDKIDS older than your babe!!!

Mine's posted


Blogger An Ordinary Mom said ... (11:23 am) : 

I feel your pain. I know this feeling way too well!


Blogger Crazy Working Mom said ... (2:44 pm) : 

Heh heh...I'm with ya too! :)
If I were guessing I'd bet he thought that was the funniest thing too!!!
Thanks for dropping by. I LOVE your header.
Happy valentine's day.


Blogger Pfingston said ... (3:47 pm) : 

LOL! Don't I know that pose! And right now my one and a half year old likes to try to sit on people's faces. It's a bit of a bother when Daddy is trying to nap on the floor.
Happy WW


Blogger meh said ... (5:10 pm) : 

Lol! Can't wait till I have kids. So much joy! :) Happy Valentines WW!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:20 pm) : 

gotta love kids at that age. :)


Blogger Raggedy said ... (5:54 pm) : 

Great Picture!
Happy Valentine's Day!
My WW is posted.


Blogger JHS said ... (6:54 pm) : 

Brings back memories.

Now the dogs do that to me!

Mine is posted. Check it out . . .you'll see what you have to look forward to!


Blogger Wendy Ann Edwina D'Cunha e Pereira said ... (7:03 pm) : 

yes that's kids for you.... my 3 yr old still tries it on me... and seeing that my 5 year old attempts the same... though that is definitely a no no... as she is just too heavy. She also tries it when I am standing and I have to hold her hands and she will climb on my right up to my shoulders as if she's rock climbing or something... can be pretty harrowing for me...


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:29 am) : 

Ahh yes. I know that feeling well!

Happy Valentine's Day!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:16 am) : 

I agree, I also know the feeling well.


Blogger Beckaboo said ... (1:36 am) : 

Awww! Good mommy!!


Blogger Mama Duck said ... (2:46 am) : 

Ha ha ha, my little guy is always doing this! Happy Valentine's Day!


Blogger Samantha said ... (4:59 am) : 

My Mama always says "When they're little, they step on your toes (chest and face in your case LOL) and when they grow up they step on your heart!" My WW is up too, come on by :)


Blogger Miscellaneous-Mum said ... (8:02 am) : 

Thanks for stopping by everybody :)


Blogger Half a Dozen said ... (8:43 am) : 

I am glad to see that I am not the only used as a ladder!


Blogger Lynanne said ... (9:07 am) : 

Absolutely hilarous!!!


Blogger Unknown said ... (9:15 am) : 

thats a precious photo! thanks for sharing with us


Blogger Biker Betty said ... (10:56 am) : 

Ohhh, I remember those days so well, lol. I'm so glad my boys have outgrown it. Especially since they are now 12 & 18!!

Happy Valentine's Day


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