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Friday, July 06, 2007

Rockin' Me!

Lookee, lookee!

My sincere thanks to both Jordan and Miss Frou Frou for bestowing this honour on me.

Now I'm supposed to pass this on to five more people. Hmm....so hard to choose....

  1. Izzymom - heck, you've probably gotten this a dozen times already, but I love 'ya style.

  2. Karen Cheng - an Aussie blog (a great looking one too), a mum, check Karen out. Oh, we share the same name; it's got to be good ;)

  3. Strauss - Expat Aussie returning to our shores at the end of the year. I'm keen for updates!

  4. Gingajoy - Expat Brit living in USA, about to return home too! (Must be year of the move). Hell, I love anyone who I can exchange emails with on the subject of Neighbours - my guilty sin. You make me laugh :)

  5. Crazy Trace - Old friend ('old' in the how-long- we've-known-each-other) kind of way. Bike lover extraordinaire

Comments on "Rockin' Me!"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:53 pm) : 

Oh stop! You're making me blush! But I thank you very much for the honor, my down-under friend :)


Blogger Tracey said ... (5:15 pm) : 

Um, thankee... and thank you for clearing up the 'old' thing!
I'm still unclear about how I can possibly be a Rockin' Girl, and how I judge others to be so?!!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:21 pm) : 

oooh. some pink for my blog! thank you, mate! (and as for Neighbours--as long as it is circa 1989 Neighbours, we're all good;-))


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