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Monday, July 02, 2007

Professional Me

Karen Andrews: BA (Cultural Studies and Cultural Policy), MA (Literature)

Email: miscmum@gmail.com

Karen Andrews has been writing professionally for a number of years, producing a variety of material, such as book reviews, newsletters, brochures and web copy.

Areas of Writing Interest:

Children’s Health; Literature and Wider Culture; Blogging, Personal Narrative and Memoir.



Browne, K (2000) A post-Freudian interpretation of Matthew Lewis’ The Monk. Masters Thesis: Macquarie University.

Recent Selected Press:

Andrews, K (2004) ‘Birth according to plan – or not!’
Andrews, K (2006) ‘Beyond Twelve Months: What are the issues of breastfeeding the older infant?’ in Coles Baby Magazine, Summer 2006/7.
Andrews, K (2007) ‘Climate Control’ in Coles Baby Magazine (Spring 2007).

Creative writing

Surprise! (unpublished manuscript)
Besieged (unpublished manuscript)
The Fingers of Mykolos (unpublished manuscript)
The White Sphere (manuscript in progress)
First Time Mother (manuscript in progress)

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