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Tuesday, July 03, 2007


On the weekend, I sat down; just sat down, no prelude, and wrote the opening paragraph to a new novel. It came to me complete and rich. As I wrote the rest of the story unfurled in my mind like a red carpet to a premiere. I got excited. I had to put the pen down and have a think.

Then Adam cleaned the house.

Now I can't find that piece of paper.

$#%&(*2 3334$*@#*@*$U@#*@!!!!!!!!!!

Let's hope I find it and it's not lining the bottom of the recycling bin.

Comments on "Panicking!"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:35 am) : 

Oh dear! I hope you find it!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:29 am) : 

Omigod! That's almost as bad as losing a winning lottery ticket. Hope you find it (or can remember what you wrote!)



Blogger Miscellaneous-Mum said ... (2:06 pm) : 

Alas, no sign yet :(


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