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Saturday, August 18, 2007

Murphy's Law #100,447

Why is it after a night out at the pub; a perfectly modest occasion, I didn't even drink, just had a few dances on the dance floor with a half dozen children; why have I woken up feeling like I've just been on a university orgy of drinking and tabledancing, of the likes I haven't participated in in ten years?

It just doesn't seem fair!

Comments on "Murphy's Law #100,447"


Blogger jeanie said ... (7:16 pm) : 

Oh I hate the hangover when you didn't even let it all hang out! I had one of them today too - sucks.


Blogger Quiskaeya said ... (10:07 pm) : 

Age catches up with your body, not your mind.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:06 am) : 

Children and hangovers are a great form of contraception.


Blogger Jean-Luc Picard said ... (2:09 am) : 

Those not used to it are going to get hit the most.


Blogger Di said ... (1:04 am) : 

I think age should work backwards...you should have all the wisdom and sense when you are young enough to profit from it instead of when you are too old to do anything but think about the "shoulda's".

And we should lose weight more easily as we grow older. And we should be immune to hangovers by the time we are 40.

Let's work on that.


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