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Friday, August 24, 2007

TV ad provides great potential for future bribery and coercion

These ads have only just hit our shores (except the deodorant here is called Lynx). This one is my favourite. The first time I saw it I laughed and laughed. Sure, in a week or so it will get really old, but I've gotten my jollies so far threatening to all of my family here that if they are ever naughty in public from now on, this is what I will do to them.

And don't think I won't!

Comments on "TV ad provides great potential for future bribery and coercion"


Blogger jeanie said ... (1:33 pm) : 

Oh I hate those ads!!! But good on you in using them for your leverage!


Blogger Jean-Luc Picard said ... (5:21 am) : 

What happened to the woman in the wheelchair?


Blogger Miscellaneous-Mum said ... (6:30 am) : 

Good question indeed, JLP


Blogger strauss said ... (3:39 pm) : 

I love these ads. They are so ridiculous, they ar funny.


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