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Monday, October 16, 2006

Another funny from my journal and, yes, I know I’m milking it dry

As I’ve said before, going through Keira’s baby journal has been interesting. I’m finding nuggets of gold in there to help with Riley’s stages of development too. It seems I was as obsessed then, as now, at what precise times certain foods should be introduced into his diet. So, I’ve been distracted, going through photocopied tables and recipes.

I also came across the pamphlet ‘how to look after your son’s uncircumcised penis.’


OK, this is relevant to my current state of affairs; but I fail to see how it was when KEIRA was a baby!

Perhaps it was an unconscious act of psychic forecasting!

Perhaps it explains why my research folders are always so fat. I keep everything ‘just in case’.

What kind of paper trails do you leave behind?

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