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Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Bloggity Goodness

Crazy Trace tagged me for this meme, one which I've seen around the traps for a while now, and has eventually made its way to me. Thanks, Trace. I do try my best. Uh...yeah. My mind's gone blank. Bad day to bestow this on me when I can't string a coherent sentence together.

Anyway, blatantly ripped from her pages are the rules as follows:

So, now, the rules of this meme started by Thinking Blogger Awards are as follows:

1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think,
2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme,
3. Optional: Proudly display the ‘Thinking Blogger Award’ with a link to the post that you wrote (there is an alternative silver version if gold doesn’t fit your blog).

Now, my problem. Pretty much everyone I read has already been tagged. So I will re-tag them, in the hopes my spreading of bloggy-love does not irk, but only flatter. Of course, if they haven't been tagged before, here is my gift to you and the wish for you to all keep on bloggin'.

Mental Tesserae

Man, I'm sorry. I'm spent today. I shouldn't be here. Too much to do....

Comments on "Bloggity Goodness"


Blogger OhTheJoys said ... (10:14 am) : 

I have done this one before, but am honored and flattered for sure.


Blogger Miscellaneous-Mum said ... (8:10 pm) : 

I'm glad to hear it :)


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