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Thursday, March 29, 2007

Thirteen Things Happening in Our Household This Week

  1. Projectile Vomit - Riley did his first projectile vomit on Sunday. Adam was mesmerised. Unfortunately, we were in a busy cafe at the time and felt the scorn of other patrons burning through our skulls as they sucked down their soft eggs.
  2. Sick - Consequently, Riley has been ill this week. More on that tomorrow.
  3. Keira's New Bike - is going great guns. She can make it move under her own propulsion now
  4. Keira's talking - a neighbour mentioned in passing she thought Keira has a little lisp. If she does, it would be from the thumb-sucking. What do you reckon, family? Next time you're here, listen carefully for me and tell me what you think.
  5. Picture Book Story Draft #2 - is complete and nearing as close as I think possible to being 'done'.
  6. Daylight savings - has ended, making the kids irritable with time readjustment. And mum and dad.
  7. Keira's faces - as per yesterday's photo, she's taken to mugging for the camera. We've got an actress on our hands.
  8. I'm getting Tummy Rolls - I need to start exercising again. Bad.
  9. Keira's preschool wrote - and set a date for her to start properly. Oxygen masks for mum on standby.
  10. Reading Anne of Green Gables - It's not on the 1001 Books challenge, but everybody's talking about it lately. While I've watched the 1980's mini-series a hundred times, I've never actually read the books - that's if you don't count me frantically thumbing through the latter ones in the desperate search to see Anne and Gilbert 'getting it on' because, yes, that's the kind of depraved person I am.
  11. Finished Nick Hornby's The Complete Polysyllabic Spree . Great food for thought on books and reading. I've taken notes and may, sometime this milennia, post them up.
  12. The Biggest Loser - thank God Bob and Jillian are back because the show undoubtedly has more pep when they're around. Who's going to win?
  13. Happy Birthday to my sister for Friday! Twenty- Six! Positively old!

Comments on "Thirteen Things Happening in Our Household This Week"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:20 pm) : 

Oh you will get SO hooked on the Anne series... I've read them all, hundreds of times :)

Sorry you were sick :(



Blogger Janet said ... (12:28 pm) : 

blech! i almost lost my cookies reading #1; i'd so make a horrible mother!


Blogger Raggedy said ... (1:14 pm) : 

I hope the sickness leaves soon.
Happy Birthday to you Sister!
Terrific Thursday Thirteen!
My TT is posted.
Have a wonderful day!
Happy TT'ing!
(")_ (")Š


Blogger Gene Bach said ... (2:36 pm) : 

YUCK on #1! LOL! Ah, the joys of kids. Thanks for stopping by my blog today.



Blogger Carina said ... (12:21 am) : 

Sounds like a wild week. Hope things are getting better for Riley.


Blogger Barbara said ... (1:14 am) : 

Sorry about the sickness. Hope everyone is feeling good today. The lisp will go - don't worry. My daughter's daughter had a problem when she first started talking, but after a few years, it was gone. NOW, she's 17 and never stops talking!

Check out my TT


Blogger meh said ... (1:22 am) : 

Another busy week for you, hey? Hope Riley feels better soon! And happy birthday to your sis! :)


Blogger Arlene said ... (5:23 am) : 

I'm sorry you have projectile vomiting :-( Sick kids are so horrible, but I think vomiting is one of the worse sicknesses!! I hope everyone feels better, and no one else gets sick!!
I played too :-)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:29 pm) : 

I have read every single anne book from pillar to post. Even the one when she is in her 40's and getting on a bit.
I like point 13.


Blogger Mitchypoo said ... (3:54 am) : 

Wow, busy Mom. Reading Anne of Green Gables...way cool! My TT is up, come by if you get a chance.


Blogger Marcia (MeeAugraphie) said ... (10:21 am) : 

I would have lost it with number 1. At least you also have an actress to distract you. Hope Rile is feeling better.


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