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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Mother Bloggers/Mommy Blogging, Technorati and Australia

Scribbit recently led me over to Mamablogga and her delightful little list of successful 'Mommy Bloggers'. I was surprised to know most of those already, and pleased to find some more great reads to add to my daily rota.

Then I looked at the sites mentioned carefully and noticed something.

All (bar one excellent Canadian) are American.

Where are the Aussies, you might ask?

Then I wondered: how many Australian 'mummy blogs' (I'm spelling it 'our' way) are in Technorati's top 6000?*

It's hard to figure. I went to the Australian Blog Index and did a search. Granted, I'm sure its not the most comprehensive of databases going around, but I was surprised at the number it gave back to me.


There are four of us in the top 6000. An example of one other being the glorious Kiddley/Loobylu, whose presence is being missed in the blogging world.

What is the significance?

Not much, probably! I was curious to know, and my curiosity has served me well (and bad) in my life. Blogging is not nearly as prevalent here in Australia as it is in America and other countries. I was reading in the paper the other day that 37% of the total blogs in the world are written in Japanese. You also have to consider how teeny tiny our country is-- a smidge over 20 million people. I googled America's most populous cities and found that we could be easily contained in just the top seven (NY, LA, Chicago, Houston, Philadelphia, Phoenix and San Antonio).

Summary: my question is, is there any way of pulling up lists from Technorati that list blogs by country, namely Australia?

Edited: I've found not one but two! Craig Harper has one on his right sidebar (You'll have to scroll down to halfway to find it) and an even more detailed one here. I originally drafted this post last week, so I hope it's not dated already!

*That arbitrary number is not so arbitrary. My ego is large enough to want to include my own in the tally.

Comments on "Mother Bloggers/Mommy Blogging, Technorati and Australia"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:09 pm) : 

I have also saw this list and observed that they were predominantly US based. We are a bit left behind in this regard.

Sounds like you're doing well in the rankings. Good for you. I'm rank just below 100,000, not quite in the top 6000.


Blogger Maddy said ... (3:56 pm) : 

I have no idea [non technical person] but I have noticed that there isn't a lot of cross over. I have pals and relatives in Aus and NZ but in the blogging world it's like we're on different ice-burgs - I suspect I need some technical input here.
Best wishes


Blogger Tracey said ... (4:16 pm) : 

I am presuming you have to register somewhere to be counted first? And I've already sussed that you need to be proactive in linking. I don't know that I have the energy for it, even if I did write well enough!


Blogger Miscellaneous-Mum said ... (7:01 pm) : 

T, it's not so much to linking that gets you the ranking, it's the blogrolls you can/should/opt to join (if one wanted to).

But even they only last for so long, so I guess you do still need to get 'linky love' (although I don't like the term)


Blogger Kathie Thomas said ... (8:28 pm) : 

Yes, it was good to see you on 'Craig's List' of top Aussie bloggers - I'm there too, although it's not a mummy blog. Congratulations.


Blogger OhTheJoys said ... (1:41 am) : 

I try to ignore those lists. I mean, I often get called "funny" - and I don't always feel like being funny. I don't want to HAVE to be funny, you know. Who is to say who is popular anyway? Popular to whom? with whom? It's too odd.


Blogger Jean-Luc Picard said ... (5:03 am) : 

Perhaps you need to Google to find more?


Blogger Scribbit said ... (11:45 am) : 

Interesting, I really don't notice that much about where bloggers are at--sometimes it's obvious and relative but usually I just connect with their words rather than their background.


Blogger Scribbit said ... (11:50 am) : 

Oh, but one thing I did appreciate about MamaBlogga's list is that she actually had criteria for her list. So many of those lists are merely favorites or someone's blogroll but I thought it cool of her to have criteria involved.


Blogger Miscellaneous-Mum said ... (1:28 pm) : 

Scribbit - I'm like you, I believe good writing stands up on its own merits, irrespective of nationality. It's just nice to know sometimes ;)


Blogger Myth said ... (9:39 pm) : 

Hiya ;)
I'm an aussie Mummy blogger (and recent lurker at your blog)... I probably don't appear at all in the rankings as I have only recently started blogging again (used to have an online diary instead) and I don't have time to write very often. But I just thought I'd take this opportunity to wave G'day!


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