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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Birthday Cake Heaven

Here is Keira's Dora Cake

Here is Riley's Number 1 cake, complete with Truck expressway

And because we got to the day and realised we'd forgotten about a cake for Adam, so knocked up this doughnut treat.

Notice I say 'we' above, but I had nothing to do with these cakes except whip up the mix from a packet. My sister-in-law decorated it, with some input from my mother. Both are experienced cake decorators. Not me, sirree.

Comments on "Birthday Cake Heaven"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:10 am) : 

Those cakes are sweet!

Sorry ;-)


Blogger Andy and Jenelle said ... (8:13 am) : 

My nieces would love that Dora cake!


Blogger Le Butterfly said ... (8:13 am) : 

The donuts are a great idea ! Especially for when you don't have time or the talent to bake.


Blogger jams o donnell said ... (8:27 am) : 

I would love the doughnut treat.. For some reason I have a hankering for cake now!


Blogger Patois42 said ... (10:22 am) : 

The donut cake seems to planned!


Blogger Di said ... (11:10 am) : 

Love the donut cake! My friend is having a Krispy Kreme donut cake for her wedding next week.

If they don't have Krispy Kreme's in Australia, that alone may be a reason to travel to the US!


Blogger Linda said ... (11:32 am) : 

Very creative! And, hey, it takes talent to whip up the mix from a packet and do it just right so don't sell yourself short! I've seen some people totally muck it up!


Blogger Donna. W said ... (11:39 am) : 

My mom decorated cakes too. Not me!


Blogger An Ordinary Mom said ... (1:59 pm) : 

Fabulous cakes! I am so not talented when it comes to decorating cakes.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:02 pm) : 

Dora Dora Dora the explorer is the 4th member of our household. Loved the cake.

Looks like fun!



Blogger The World In The Eyes Of Brothers said ... (6:18 pm) : 

Yummy, now I want cake.


Blogger The Minute Man: Colin Chang said ... (8:05 pm) : 

Now that's a new concept to the word cakes.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:42 pm) : 

I want some cake! I want some cake!

*Craving for cake*



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:44 pm) : 

Fantastic cakes. :)


Blogger Pearls of Wisdom said ... (12:07 am) : 

Great cakes. My son would love the donut cake...LOL Thanks for sharing happy ww.

Angel Mama ():)


Blogger Denise Patrick said ... (2:57 am) : 

Great cakes. Especially the donut one!! LOL


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:09 am) : 

Those are too pretty to eat! However, I would in a heartbeat! Don't worry about not having the skill to decorate a cake. Can they put together a superb blog? You can do that, yesirree.


Blogger Unknown said ... (6:11 am) : 

Donut cakes are creative..great pictures


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