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Saturday, April 14, 2007

Hello, Gorgeous!

Thanks to the success of the Dear Me" Project", I thought of how many of you out there got excited at the prospect of a little (fun) self-reflection.

Tell me, how many of you felt better afterwards? Did you leave you stronger on the inside: stronger than, say, a hundred bracing Kegel exercises?

Here's my next challenge. (It's not a meme. Please don't call it a 'meme'. It's such an ugly word).

Find a picture of yourself that you're truly happy with. You could be two years old in the bath, mugging for the camera, or it could be your wedding day, dolled up to the nines. It could even be your profile picture because, honestly, rarely is a profile picture a fugly one.

You could look damn hot or happy. Uncertain or nervous.

It doesn't have to be perfect.


Haven't we all seen a picture of ourselves that was taken just that second too soon, or too late, or without our even knowing, and we see it later and think, "Hey, I don't look all that bad." This could be a shock if you're normally the kind of person who say, "I don't take photographs well."

The picture could have red-eye, be blurry or slightly distorted, but there will be a look on your face that you recognize as you: true and unadulterated.

Perhaps you're holding your hands up in triumph after a triathlon. Perhaps you're leaning over a child, teaching them to learn to read. Perhaps you're just smiling to the camera in a garden of your own creation, proud of your achievement.

So go dig through some old photos. Ask someone to scan them, if needs be. Or use some recent digitals, if you wish. Post it up, write a description highlighting why you're looking so gorgeous, send me an email with the link (miscmum@gmail.com) and I'll compile a list of entrants, so we can all visit and go "Reaor - you go girl!"

I would ask that the photos not be photoshopped in any way because, really, that's just like getting botoxed before the Academy Awards - you're not fooling anyone. And you're just cheating yourself on the exercise.

Naturally, feel free to use the above button if you wish. Again thanks go to the talented daughter of my great friend.

Like the "Dear Me" Project, this will be open for an indefinite period of time. I'll post mine next to give you a bit of an idea of what I mean, but take the concept and run with it. Some of the best entries in the DM Project were those who 'thought outside of the square'.

Any questions, please ask in the comments. Please remember that by posting a link in the comments may not be enough to get onto the proper list within the original post. I will try, but it'll be easier in an email where I can be more organised.

Gorgeous people willing to share their gorgeousness

Misc Mum, Crazy Trace, The Brave, Shishyboo

Comments on "Hello, Gorgeous!"


Blogger Tracey said ... (1:52 pm) : 

Do you know, I don't think I have ever felt "gorgeous", let alone had it captured on film. I could probably find a few 'you go girl' shots -shots that encapsulate what I strive to be ... but I have a hard time equating that, or 'I don't look so bad' with 'gorgeous'. So I'm kind of coming up empty-handed here...

The closest anyone's ever come to telling me I looked lovely was actually on my wedding day (and sadly it wasn't even my husband who said so.. ) - and that seems so long ago, such a younger me that I don't feel like anymore, it doesn't feel like me.


Blogger strauss said ... (7:18 am) : 

There are few recent pictures I actually like. If I had a scanenr I woudl ahve probably chosen a nice one of me rugged up on teh beach. I love the beach and it shows in my face, just being there in the solitude of a winter walk along a quiet stretch of sand.
I posted this instead, which is good too, but was taken in only 2004, I have changed alot sicne then, and not in a good way - how sad. http://braverstill.blogspot.com/2007/04/life-is-about-expereince-after-all.html


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