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Friday, April 20, 2007

Top of the world....well, the charts....well, not really. Close!

It seems most of the Australian Blogging Population is talking about Meg's list. I know I mentioned it in passing the other day, but now it's 100% fair dinkum official.

Miscellaneous Mum is one of Australia's Top 100 Blogs!

I may be down in the ass end, but boy, it's exciting! Not bad considering I'm barely eight months old.

Comments on "Top of the world....well, the charts....well, not really. Close!"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:12 am) : 

Nice one!! :-)


Blogger Loz said ... (1:06 pm) : 

Well done on making the list :)


Blogger Maddy said ... (3:46 am) : 

Charts - well done you, but don't let it rule your life, you'll get there just by the quality of what you write.
Best wishes


Blogger Jean-Luc Picard said ... (4:49 am) : 

Well done!

I've made it into the Yahoo Picks list!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:27 pm) : 

That's great. We slid in by the skin of our teeth too!


Blogger Miscellaneous-Mum said ... (1:09 pm) : 

Thanks all - let's see where I am come Xmas...that's my goal. Top 50? Top 20? What do you think?


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