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Thursday, May 31, 2007

13 things to write about when I can't think of a thursday thirteen

1) I have a real 'performance anxiety' when it comes to Thursdays.

2) I mean, most people who come here, on Thursdays, couldn't really give two hoots what I get up to the other six days of the week, so why do I stress?

3) I normally try, really really do try, when it comes to these 13 lists.

4) But they're hard work, yes?

5) What do you do when you work on your TT lists (or lists in general, if you do not partake in this particular meme)?

6) I do have an excuse this week as to why this is particularly lame - I have been sick.

7) So why am I bothering?

8) Can you see I am filled with a certain kind of....credential crisis...of late?

9) I've been thinking too much about why I write, as opposed to just sitting down and churning the words out, like I normally do. Like I'm normally paid to do.

10) Am I making sense?

11) Are you still reading?

12) Really?

13) Thanks. You're the best :)

Oh, yes, those of you who read me regularly will see the pathos-ridden irony of this next sentence: now my father is ill, and I have to take Keira to the doctors today. My what a fun week it's been........

Comments on "13 things to write about when I can't think of a thursday thirteen"


Blogger Maddy said ... (8:09 am) : 

Hmm this Thursday thirteen malarky sound much to painful for me, there again the magic word "PAID" has made my eyes open a little wider. Maybe I should just clean my bifocals?


Blogger Miscellaneous-Mum said ... (8:13 am) : 

oohh...I should clarify then. I don't get paid to write here (I wish). I meant with my regular writing gigs I have.


Blogger Chelle Y. said ... (8:22 am) : 

I stress every week trying to think of a topic for my TT! Why do it? Beats me! :)


Blogger Dewey said ... (8:29 am) : 

Sorry about your crap week.

I think TTs are easier for me because I tend to limit my topics to book-related things, so there's not like the entire universe to choose from.


Blogger FRIDAY'S CHILD said ... (9:04 am) : 

That's a great idea.
My T13 is up too.


Blogger Michelle said ... (9:26 am) : 

You're right about it being hard to write a short little list. I always get stuck around number 8 or 9, and then it's all down hill from there.

One trick is when you actually think of something you'd make a list for, write it down on a notecard and keep it for when you get stuck. It's saved me a couple of times.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:52 am) : 

LOL! Good one. I do know what you mean though. It's hard trying to come up with a list, though some people make it seem so effortless. I try to start early in the week to get an idea, but often I'm panicking around Wednesday, what am I going to do?

Happy TT. Mine is us and for once I prepared early. It's 13 reasons to go adopt a pet. Come visit.


Blogger EHT said ... (11:02 am) : 

Sometimes it is difficult......


Blogger Susan Helene Gottfried said ... (11:11 am) : 

TT's hard for me some weeks, and like Dewey, I write about I pretty narrow subject. I think that's the nature of the beast.

As for visiting, it's hard to come back and see everyone. I do my best -- and am always looking for new, neat people to read about. Come hang out at West of Mars more; I do my best to return all visits!


Blogger Margaret said ... (11:14 am) : 

I thought many of the same things from time to time, but then again - I've met some really true Bloggy Buds this way that do always come back. Happy Thursday.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:25 am) : 

I actually really enjoyed that! You did good for your TT. Have a great week.


Blogger JHS said ... (12:07 pm) : 

Yeah, it was easy in the beginning, but lately it's been harder to come up with topics . . .


Blogger L^2 said ... (12:10 pm) : 

I stress TT topics sometimes, so I try to keep a running list of backup ideas to help me if I get stuck. But I totally understand what you mean about most people not caring. I try to visit my favorite TTers on "off" days too, but there are just so many of you to get around to!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:29 pm) : 

I am so sorry you are all sick. Yep, I can so relate to your feelings about 13.


Blogger Di said ... (12:49 pm) : 

I enlist friends to help me come up with lists. Also, when they randomly occur to me at various times, I throw them in a Word document on my computer to refer to when I draw a blank. I must say that this week's was dashed off in about 10 minutes of fiery passion on Tuesday morning!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:11 pm) : 

I'm the best! I read all 13 lol

Happy TT! I hope you get well soon :)


Blogger pussreboots said ... (1:42 pm) : 

I write my TT over the course of the week. LOL! Hope you feel better soon.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:23 pm) : 

Hope you're all better.
Your the best too.
Take care,


Blogger Mama's Moon said ... (3:48 pm) : 

That was very original - I really enjoyed it; it gave me a good little chuckle at the end. See? No need to stress - you're a pro at this!!


Blogger Raggedy said ... (4:38 pm) : 

This comment has been removed by the author.


Blogger Raggedy said ... (4:39 pm) : 

I hope you are feeling better...
Get well wishes to your dad too!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:40 pm) : 

This sounds like the TT of a woman who has been sick in bed too long. Did Andrew close the curtains again? I hope you are over it, because now you get to take care of your Daddy and Keira, too! Best wishes that it all gets better soon.


Blogger Miss Frou Frou said ... (10:56 pm) : 

Not sure if it was meant to, but this cracked me up! It was good, and as someone relatively new to this lark, I suspect I'm going to have the odd, oh no, what do I write about, but so far so good


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:05 am) : 

It is a bit overwhelming to think of things to list!


Blogger Jean-Luc Picard said ... (4:49 am) : 

A good selection when strained for a subject!


Blogger Maddy said ... (4:57 am) : 

Am I early or late? Clearly I'm on a different routine today - darn those time zones.


Blogger The Rock Chick said ... (8:06 am) : 

I'm probably backwards but I think the Thursday Thirteens are the easiest things for me to write. I have a harder time with my "off Thursday" posts...weird, huh?

Happy Anniversary to you, too! I just had my 15th 2 weeks ago!

Happy TT (and every other day of the week!)
Jessica The Rock Chick


Blogger Janet said ... (10:06 am) : 

Hope both Dad and Keira are ok :-)


Blogger Scribbit said ... (4:54 pm) : 

Well you seem to have pulled it off anyway. . . :)

But it can be tough to come up with stuff, I'm with you.


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