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Thursday, May 24, 2007

Melbourne Bloggers Meetup

Last night was the bloggers meetup here in Melbourne and after umming-and-ahhing about whether to go or not for a week or so, I said, "Bugger it. I'm going."

So this entailed me spending the afternoon deciding what to wear whilst a sick little boy clung to my leg, and the other sick child, luckily, slept in bed.

I drove against the traffic all the way into the city and waved at all those miserable commuters as they came home.

I parked - badly - on the street and lost about five dollars worth of change down a drain as I rummaged around the dark to pay for the meter.

And then walked in for a most enjoyable few hours conversation with some really cool, interesting people: like Darren John, from Craig! Zack (who easily has the funkiest business card I've seen in a long time - perhaps ever) Miss Eagle Kirrily these lovely ladies Gala. I also remember meeting Jesse, Emily (and her partner - I'm so sorry, I forgot his name!) Anyone else I've neglected to add here I am so sorry. I barely even met anyone! People just kept showing up, and I had to leave early.

I'm looking forward to attending more of these!

Then, I got home and woke up at 1am with what the kids have. Fun times for all. Not!

Comments on "Melbourne Bloggers Meetup"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:58 pm) : 

There are some very fascinating people blogging out there. Isn't it wonderful how this medium has made it possible to meet and connect with new people?

Glad you had a great time. Hope the kids are better.


Blogger Evil Genuis @StandBy4MindCtl said ... (5:14 pm) : 

glad you like the cards! they were designed for me by the highly recommended Matt at Mono Design.

nice to meet you too.


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