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Friday, May 25, 2007

TV thoughts

I know I said I wasn't going to be here today, but I've heard a lot these past few days about the massive spat that happened on The View a few days ago, and now I've just seen (here) the clips why.

Agree or disagree with what's said there, my interest is that I've yet to see any political discussion by women, on television, in any degree whatsoever, here in Australia.

Do the ladies on The Catch Up? talk like this? (I can't watch it because Libby Gorr's bouncy chest makes me all dizzy. Someone needs to ask her to sit quietly on the couch, pretty please). Do any ABC or SBS current affairs shows? Is there even an audience for it? I doubt it. It's what they said on the clips, you can watch Dancing with the Stars and it's all safe and that's why people do it. Not many people like being the purple cow in the field (sorry, I have been reading Seth Godin).

I'm thinking people squirm a bit because they like their political commentary severed up satire-style (think The Daily Show with Jon Stewart).

What about you?

Comments on "TV thoughts"


Blogger Dawn said ... (1:04 pm) : 

Yikes! I've got to get off dial-up so I can watch video clips and comment intelligently!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:23 am) : 

rest assured, it's not the norm in this country either--hence the fact it's all over the news. sadly--it was not really a political discussion so much as a slanging match. :(


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