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Saturday, July 07, 2007

Keira strikes again

Keira has just dumped a pile of tiny elastics on the floor, because she's borrowed a book of Hi-5 hairstyles (as you do) from the library and wants to try them*. I come along, sleep-deprived, and swoop down on the mess.

"You can't have these out when Riley's awake. He can choke on them."

"Can he?"

"Keira, I hope that was a rhetorical question."

*This will result in tears and frustration on both sides, but I let her.

Comments on "Keira strikes again"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:54 am) : 

Sometimes it's so hard when they get so excited about trying something new even though you know it isn't as easy as they think. Hope she had fun!


Blogger Gill said ... (2:36 pm) : 

Oh glory be - I really sympathise. With a 6 year age gap, my eldest was totally into Barbie dolls when youngest was crawling - the number of Barbie shoes I extracted from that child's mouth!!


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