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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

WW - Do you see what I see?

I see: A scrap of toilet paper on the floor which I'm about to snatch up when my daughter cries out......!

Keira sees: "No, don't mum! Look it's a six! A six!"

Hell, that was so darn cute I had to take a photo. Then I picked it up and threw it in the toilet bowl (well, what else was I to do with it?!)

Comments on "WW - Do you see what I see?"


Blogger Claire said ... (8:34 am) : 

I definitely see a six!

Now i have one for you, over at mine do you see what i see?
Nobody has got even close yet!



Blogger SandyCarlson said ... (10:54 am) : 

Wow! I will have to look for art in the odds and ends on my floor and hold off getting annoyed about the mess!


Blogger FRIDAY'S CHILD said ... (10:55 am) : 

I'm with your daughter. It's a six! (lol)
Mine is up too.


Blogger Paula said ... (11:20 am) : 

Good for you for snapping a pic instead of tossing it straight away. lol


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:43 pm) : 

As six is not a favoured number around here, probably not very much.

If however it had been a 3 or 7 I would have had to have waited until they were all fast asleep before I disposed of it, and then the next morning I'd blame the cat when they asked who the vandal was.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:56 pm) : 

a lovely six it is!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:00 pm) : 

How cute! I love how kids immediately see things like that : )


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:44 pm) : 

Yep a 6! :) And cute conversation with your kiddo!

Nice entry!


Blogger ZAM said ... (8:11 pm) : 

I see a six too! Happy WW.


Blogger Gill said ... (3:16 am) : 

Cute! It's amazing what kids can see, when we only see junk..


Blogger Sandee said ... (5:01 am) : 

Keira is right...It's a six. Smart one you have there. Have a great WW. :)


Blogger Lavender said ... (7:40 am) : 

Aw how cute AND clever! LOL Thanks for sharing that adorable moment..and for stopping by! Hope you had a great WW!


Blogger Quiskaeya said ... (8:09 am) : 

Undeniably that is a 6! Cool though! Happy WW!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:48 am) : 

She was right - the first think you see is a six....


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