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Sunday, September 02, 2007

Happy Fathers Day! + links of the week

Happy Father's Day, husband. I know, I know, this isn't the best photo of any of you, but it's the most recent one.

And to my own dad, who puts up with a grumpy lump of a daughter sometimes.

PLUS: Yesterday, I found myself linked to on this site and this one . These, so far as my experience goes, have been the first places where you can visibly see many of the popular links and topics floating around digg, reddit, Stumbleupon, de.li.cio.us, etc all at the same time. It was fascinating to see what other people are finding fascinating at the moment. (I'm sure there are others though). Go have a look!

Comments on "Happy Fathers Day! + links of the week"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:18 am) : 

I didn't know Father's Day varied so much around the world [same day in US and UK]

And great video.


Blogger Catherine said ... (11:53 pm) : 

One of my favorite parts about blogs is you can read all around the world, and get that delightful double take of "is today father's day?!?" or "what is she saying? Its summer now!" or whatever...before I realize and remember... :)


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