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Monday, September 03, 2007

Perfect Post Awards August - my pick

Perfect Post Award for August 2007

It's my turn to pick out what I thought was the best post of those I read in August. Now, some of you may laugh and think that's a bit rich, considering I have already made a certain confession but, no, I was back in my leather wing-back here in my lounge room when I first read this.

I've made it no secret that I'm not a huge fan of mammoth blog posts. I just can't read them off the screen; it makes my eyes hurt. And, technically, I can't print them off to read either unless the author's specifically made concessions to do so under creative commons.

So you know a post's good if it's long, and I read it eagerly.

Julie's was great.

I swallowed it hungrily because soon I will be in the same boat (preschool for Keira isn't quite as anxiety-inducing - and let's face it, that's the kind of gal I am - as I thought it would be) and I loved the breakdown, and her always frank way of expression and self-reflection. If only I could do the same!

Take a look. I recommend it!

Want others? Try here and here

Comments on "Perfect Post Awards August - my pick"


Blogger jeanie said ... (11:22 am) : 

I loved that post - and how scary for her.

I hope you have a much easier transition.

And a word of caution - those thoroughbred mothers do exist.


Blogger Scribbit said ... (3:42 pm) : 

I had to pop over and read it, given your recommendation. And you're right, it was deserving of it.

And hope to be reading you more again, sorry to be gone this month, I've just been trying to get my stamina back for another year of posts. :)


Blogger Julie Pippert said ... (9:28 pm) : 

Wow, thanks, a very high compliment! And a nice start to the day. :)

Using My Words


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