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Sunday, September 02, 2007

YouTube Time - Vader Sessions

We had friends over for dinner last night. The good thing about having techy-savvy friends (I would never say 'IT-nerds' because they most certainly are not and Adam and I, most certainly, are) is that we share information of all the goodies floating around the Internet.

They said, "Have you seen Vader Sessions on Youtube?" We said, "No."

It's not the most recent video around. Sure, many of you have already seen it.

If you haven't, grab a coffee and enjoy ten minutes of pure gold.

A heads up; it's clips of Star Wars dubbed over entirely in the voice of James Earl Jones from his other movie repertoire. So funny.

Comments on "YouTube Time - Vader Sessions"


Blogger Jean-Luc Picard said ... (7:35 pm) : 

Delightful, MM! It's clips like this we like!


Blogger Veronica Foale said ... (8:27 pm) : 

Still giggling, but I think my partner enjoyed it more!

Love reading your blogs BTW.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:44 pm) : 

Finally got to see this as youtube is blocked on my work computer- this is ingenious! So clever!! V. funny as well :-)


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