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Monday, September 17, 2007

Popular Parent Bloggers - me!

Mammablogga has announced the revision of her list for the Popular Parent Bloggers, and boy was I shocked when I saw my name among the exulted. See, I read or have at least heard of most of those blog, and they're big guns. I think I'm the only Aussie though, so I'm happy to beat my chest about that little fact.

Go on over there and have a look-see if you're interested in finding some new reading material (to supplement here, naturally ;) )

Comments on "Popular Parent Bloggers - me!"


Blogger Veronica Foale said ... (8:04 am) : 

Congratulations on being included. Go the Aussies!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:05 am) : 

Well jolly congratulations to you - international twinkledom!


Blogger Scribbit said ... (3:49 pm) : 

Well congratulations! You're my number one Aussie blog! I read you more regularly than even Problogger nowadays!


Blogger Miscellaneous-Mum said ... (6:35 pm) : 

Hey thanks guys...and, scribbit, wow, that's high praise indeed! :)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:01 am) : 

You definitely deserve it! A lot of the other blogs I was tracking actually had things like their Technorati ranking go down, but not you!


Blogger Jean-Luc Picard said ... (5:23 am) : 

Well dopne on getting that Award!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:57 pm) : 

Wear it proudly! Your blog is always a great read :)


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